Fear of the Future
You have every reason to be afraid. The news is full of bleak headlines and little else. From inflation to viruses to loss of religious liberties, we have new, daily reasons to fear the future. What does the Bible say about the future?
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Illusion of control
When we're afraid, we try to figure out what will happen so we can plan for it. This gives us the feeling of being in control—but that feeling is an illusion. We are small compared to the decisions and actions of billions of people whose decisions and actions affect one another in incalculable ways. Add to that the fact that many of those decisions are sinful, with all of the bad results that follow, and it's understandable that we can feel afraid. But just because we aren't in control doesn't mean life is out of control.
The One in control
Isaiah 46:9–10 says, "I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose.'" God always accomplishes what He wills and all that He wills is good. Even evil choices can't thwart God's ultimate plan of redemption.
Where freedom comes from
The supreme example, of course, is when Jesus came to earth to die for sinful humanity. (Luke 12:32) Satan thought the cross was his greatest victory. But God used it to accomplish the ultimate act of redemption.
In our lives on earth, this is the most significant example of God's ultimate control. Through Jesus' death on the cross, we received the right to become children of God. (John 1:12) Those who put their faith in Jesus can say with Paul, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21)
No more fear
In Christ, we can be set free from the bondage that comes from the worst of all fears– –the fear of death and the coming judgment. (Hebrews 2:15) Rather than trying to guess what lies ahead, we can rest in God's loving, perfect character. He is good, and He is sovereign over all that He has made–and He made everything.
There is nothing outside of God's control. Life will, at times, seem confusing, mysterious, or troubling, but knowing God has promised to use even our worst moments to accomplish His good purposes (Romans 8:28) is a huge comfort when circumstances feel out of our control.